Pollinator Garden

  • Location
    Elkton, Kentucky
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Pollination is an essential environmental process that very few understand. As pollination plays an integral role in the reproduction of plants and the functionality of life, students should learn about the importance of these organisms and their role in our ecosystem. The horticulture pathway within our school and agriculture population is at an all time high, therefore, more and more students are showing an interest in plants and our ecosystem. While students are learning about plants in a controlled environment (greenhouse), students have yet to witness the experience of observing plants in a natural environment. Our district has granted us permission to utilize a plot of land on school grounds to establish a garden. The establishment of a pollinator garden will provide students the opportunity to truly understand the importance of pollinators while creating a healthy environment for pollinators within our area.

Our Plan

The solution to the issues identified with pollinator awareness will be the establishment of a pollinator garden on school grounds. The goal is to have the garden established by August of the upcoming school year. Materials such as raised beds, seeds, plant plugs, fertilizer, potting mix, and gardening tools will need to be purchased. The garden will feature flowers and plants such as Zinnias, Coneflower, Sunflowers, Milkweed, Goldenrod, Yarrow, and more. We hope to provide a beneficial, eco-friendly environment for pollinators in our garden, while also creating a experiential learning environment for our students.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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