Platform 9 3/4 Program

  • Location
    KNOXVILLE, Tennessee
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to utilize funds to purchase materials needed for students to take part in school counseling programs and a space to utilize the Human Animal Bond in Tennessee Program. Our goal is to create a more positive and healthy community through mental health education and providing students with the opportunity to interact with animals in a positive and healing way.

Our Plan

As a school community, we strive to give each student an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential within the STEM program regardless of their personal backgrounds or abilities. This is why it is essential for this program to create and maintain a space were students feel safe, included, and have the ability to learn social emotional skills that will aid them throughout the remainder of their lives and educational journeys. We strive to be a leader in educating students about mental, social, and emotional health. For this reason, we will include programs such as Human Animal Bond in Tennessee (H.A.B.I.T), Restorative Practices, and Social Emotional Learning Programs. The space being funded will be utilized as a one-on-one space for students to interact with the Restorative Interventionist or Social Worker to address any emotional or community resource needs. Students will also have regular access to H.A.B.I.T services through H.A.B.I.T Volunteers who generously give their time to bring their animals to the school.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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