Planet Keepers

  • Location
    Brooklyn, New York
  • Status

The Problem

Recycling in my school is a problem. We do not recycle in the cafeteria, we do not recycle in the classrooms. 30% of all government buildings in NYC are schools, so we have a huge impact on the way materials are discarded in NYC. We have a great role to play in contributing to the Zero Waste campaign espoused by the NYC DOS. With the help of new green colored recycling bins to designate paper recycling, we will launch a campaign to create awareness in the school community about what to recycle in the classroom.

Our Plan

We have the green bins in the science lab since December. The 3rd graders have just finished polishing their presentation, "If You Can Rip It, You Can Recycle It" as well as their eco-rap song. Tomorrow morning, we will present the information and song to the school community. Classes will come to the science lab to see the presentation, receive their new green recycling bin, as well as stickers and

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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