Pink the Puppy

  • Location
    Fort Worth, Texas
  • Status

The Problem

I wish for all animals to have a caring and loving home for all of there life. Every cat, dog, horse, hamster, gerbil, etc... will not be abandoned, but instead have a warm house and a wonderful family to live with. People and animals will come together as a whole community and work to fix this problem.

Our Plan

My project will raise money for local animal shelters. We are starting small and will slowly expand. We will have fundraisers. A blog and You-tube page is being set up. The blog is called "Pinky's Puppy Blog." Our beginning goal is to provide better living conditions in shelters, since getting all animals a family will be harder to reach.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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