Picky Eaters

  • Location
    Dalton, Georgia
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

Today's children are far removed from many of the agricultural practices utilized by previous generations. Most young people have no exposure or understanding of what is required to grow food especially food that is grown implementing environmentally friendly practices. In turn, many students also have not experienced the intrinsic value of growing their own food and enjoying the "fruits" of their labor. Our goal is to provide our students with the skills and experiences their earlier generations utilized and enjoyed to produce their own food.

Our Plan

Our plan begins with the creation of enough compost to grow vegetables that we will send home with students to enjoy with their family. We will use our greenhouse to assist with controlling environmental challenges. We are also using recycled rain water as much as possible to water our plants.

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices
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    Water Pollution & Conservation

The Benefit

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