Pick Up Litter So We Can Help Save A Critter

  • Location
    Gales Ferry, Connecticut
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years
  • Project created by Sarah

The Problem

Everywhere I go I see garbage on the side of the road ; in parking lots, parks and many other places. I want to help to clean up the environment anywhere I am.

Our Plan

I am bringing a garbage bag, gloves and hand sanitizer in my purse and in my mom and dad’s cars. Wherever I go, if I see trash and litter I will put on my gloves, pick up the trash and put it into my garbage bag. I will put the garbage bag either into a nearby garage can or if there is no garbage can around I will put the garbage bag into my mom or dad’s trunk and throw it away when I get home. I will then sanitize my hands. I feel this is a good way to help clean up the earth anywhere I am.

Themes Addressed

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    Ocean Pollution & Acidification
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    Water Pollution & Conservation
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The Benefit

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