Peace Partners

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The Problem

Students in Grade 1 will engage in understanding the concept of peace. They will define and work towards having and sharing a peaceful environment with their peers. Through ‘peace partners’ across multiple grade 1 classrooms they will work to share their kindness and peace mentality with our school community as a whole. This will be done through reminders to others to continue to build an environment free of disturbance or conflict. In addition to their efforts towards peace within and building a peaceful school community the Grade Ones will embrace acts of kindness, share happiness and the willingness to give to others as often as possible throughout the course of our whole school year.

Our Plan

To put our project into action we will create a number of peace centered initiatives as a class. These may include but are not limited to; understanding peace, accepting others for who they are in peaceful coexistence, understanding respect for nature and others. Offering leadership opportunities for all children in the class to share peace in their school community and work as peace mediators on the playground.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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