Peace Dove Puppets and the “We Are All in the Same Boat” Parade

  • Location
    San Francisco, California
  • Status

The Problem

Play and partnership can help us to imagine and create more peaceful world. On Monday, September 21, 2015 the students and teachers at Rooftop School gathered for a moment of peace at Morning Circle. We flew the peace dove puppets made by third and fourth graders to mark the day with Roots and Shoots.

Our Plan

As a United Nations Messenger of Peace, Dr. Jane makes it a priority each and every year to observe and celebrate the annual International Day of Peace on September 21. One of the ways that students celebrated the day was by building their own flying dove puppets and helping to sew a Giant Peace Dove Puppet. Fourth grade students learned more about Dr. Goodall and her role as a UN Messenger of Peace. On October 10, the students' handmade puppets were brought to be used by the community in a real, live parade! The "We Are All in The Same Boat" parade, held in Dolores Park, was led by Peter Schumann and the renowned Bread and Puppet Theatre. Rooftop's 4th graders created the signs, banners, and, of course, puppets used in the parade. The students used Nature as the inspiration for their puppets, thinking of the millions of creatures that live in the ocean or fly above the ocean. Using the metaphor of a giant boat, the parade asked the question, “What if we could all swim together?” and offered a larger-than-life picture for parade watchers to witness - young and old, working together in peace.

Themes Addressed

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    Peace & Safety
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