Peace Booth

  • Location
    Goshen, Indiana
  • Status

The Problem

Our mission is to educate the public on how they can become involved in the ever-growing peace movement. This is accomplished through the distribution of peace literature supplied by secular organizations, religious groups and institutions of higher learning. These different organization, groups and institutions are bound together in their desire to work for a more peaceful world. We realize that both violence and nonviolence are a learned behavior. Peace is revealed to the world through peaceful people. There are growing circles of individuals and organizations who continue to commit and recommit themselves to a larger and more focused vision of peace and nonviolence.

Our Plan

We set up a Peace Booth at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair ( 2nd largest County Fair in the U.S.), which has over 280,000 visitors. We are in our 4th year at the Fair and are continually enlarging our peace literature that we have available for the public. We have over 35 different organizations that contribute their literature to our Peace Booth, in order to enlighten the public to what is out in the world and how they can become involved with the various organizations.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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