Paws for effect

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

Our biggest wish for this project is to empower high school freshmen to see themselves as leaders in the community and to see that their actions can make a difference. Our specific wish for this project is to support pets and domestic animals and help them live the best lives possible. Our last wish is to beautify our campus and make public our impact on the community by creating a tile wall with tiles painted by each student to represent their community service project.

Our Plan

This is a multi-pronged project which is part of a service learning component that all 9th grade students at Foshay Learning Center take part in. For this project students are doing several things: One group of students is creating fliers to share with the community about the dangers of leaving pets in hot cars. They will be distributing these on cars parked in parking lots in the neighborhood. Another group of students is selling lemonade and homemade healthy dog treats to raise money for the local shelter and a third group is creating an education campaign to "adopt not shop" for pets. They will be making presentations to other classes at Foshay. The last part of the project the students will each paint a 3x3 tile to represent the work they did in the community. Including the other community service projects we will be doing, there will be over 200 tiles representing over 6000 hours of community service done by the class of 2020.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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