Cleaning Memphis

  • Location
    Memphis, Tennessee
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

The litter in our city's parks is not only unappealing to humans, but is also a danger for wildlife in the area. Much of this litter is food/ food product containers which could be accidentally consumed by wildlife and can be very harmful to them. Many animals are injured or killed due to plastic waste each year as well. Animals in this park include white-tailed deer, box turtles, rabbits, and various snake and bird species.

Our Plan

**Note: I am aware that this project says 0 hours are logged, but this is because we cannot submit our report until the project is complete. As this project will never be "complete", I am working on a way around this issue. We are planning to collect this litter and dispose of it. We will continue this action when necessary, but also try to bring attention to the nearby trash cans where this trash could be easily disposed of instead of becoming litter.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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