Palm Oil, Its Production, and Its Effects on Wildlife and the Environment

  • Location
    Nashville, Tennessee
  • Status

The Problem

My wish is for this project to further my understanding of the issues surrounding the production of palm oil, and to additionally educate those around me and help them understand their place in this critical issue!

Our Plan

My project is taking the form of an independent study at school and has the following components: research, a paper, a film showing, and several final presentations. The film will be one that I feel is informative and accurate about palm oil production, and my plan is to set up a time after school where peers from my high school can come and watch. The final presentation will be a culmination of the research I do over the course of the semester and I'll be presenting it to the school I currently attend, the school I attended for lower and middle school, and a few others if I can get permission. The overall goal is to make this issue known to my local community and let them know how they can take action!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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