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Buncombe Black Bears

misunderstandings about black bears
1 member

Heroes of the Anti-Geoengineering Movement

global geoengineering
1 member

Bird banding station

volunteering to help catch, measure, band and release wird birds during migration season with trained DNR and GA Birds people
1 member


1 member


1 member

Beach Clean Up

The trash from park visitors litters the trails and eventually ends up in the ocean and bay. It can also…
2 members

Trail Clean Up

The trash from park visitors litters the trails and eventually ends up in the ocean and bay. It can also…
1 member

Biological corridors for endangered primates

The tropical forests of the Magdalena valley in Colombia are megadiverse ecosystems that are home to an immense number of…
1 member


Plastic Waste and disposal contribute to environmental hazard,causing pollution of monumental propositions and slowing down progress towards containing damage to…
1 member
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