Little Free Libary

  • Location
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

THE PROBLEM We observed that libraries clean off their shelves to make room for new materials and construction for modern technology space, they throw away books, dvd’s, and audio books which will build up landfills and pollute the environment. There are many people who do not have access to books that can educate and enhance the mind. Some people do not have internet or cable and use dvd’s for education and entertainment. Others cannot get to the libraries to get books or dvd’s.

Our Plan

OUR PLAN We want to start a free library for adults and children to use. We are a small group and do not have the money to put our ideas into action. This free library will work as a way to provide access for the community to take books and materials that would have otherwise been thrown away. Our goal is to set up this free library in Ironton Ohio starting in the underserved area of town. Community members will help us collect the books and materials from the library and store until they are needed. It will be monitored and kept up by our youth members with adult supervision. We hope to add more free libraries across our community .

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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