Outdoor Stream Erosion Prevention

  • Location
    Kennesaw, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

We are a very diversified school that has a big ESOL, EIP and culturally diverse community of students. We try to create a variety of ways for students to learn. We have a wish to create an outdoor stream area that will show students the process of erosion and then create solutions to prevent further erosion.

Our Plan

The third grade teachers (we have 10) will ask for parent volunteers to help us create an outdoor stream that we will create to teach and model how erosion happens. We have an outdoor science learning area that we will use to create our stream. Students will see how soil erodes when the proper ground cover is not in place and we will discuss how we can create solutions to erosion problems around our school and in our community. When the students see the erosion happening, they will get a true understanding of the importance of erosion control.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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