Organisms determining water quality.

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The Problem

In any center of study for the children and adolescents to encourage in them the development of the observation for the identification of a problem and that they could be capable of giving a diagnosis. In relation to the project, the students could offer a diagnosis of the water quality of the rivers and take a communicative action in its community, in a better stage would be the collaboration of most of the schools for mapear and to clarify the real situation of the state of the waters of the rivers and of the extinction of the warning organisms of the good water quality of the rivers.

Our Plan

The students visit the rivers near to its city and observe the environment, identify the presence of warning organisms of the water quality, as also they obtain the characteristics fisicoquímicas of the waters of the river. In the school the students compare the obtained record information and propose the best way of sharing the process and the results with other nearby schools.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water

The Benefit

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