Organic Garden

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

We want to increase our healthy food choices at school and build a connection to our food supply by building a school garden.

Our Plan

Our plan is to build 10 planter boxes and plant an organic vegetable garden to use the produce for the school cafeteria. Our club has enlisted an Eagle Scout candidate to oversee the construction of the boxes. The school has agreed to build a perimeter fence to protect the garden. Our club is planning to visit a nearby school who is already running a successful garden. My club is making posters to advertise our project and get donations. We also started in the fall by digging up the flower beds in front of the school and spreading out the bulbs. We packaged the surplus bulbs and sold them to raise money for the garden.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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