ORGANIC FOOD for good health and well being

  • Location
    Mbeya, Manitoba
  • Status

The Problem

It is our wish that through organic foods, human beings will always maintain their good health condition.

Our Plan

Nzondahaki secondary is having a large portion of land with access to Nzovwe river which is passing nearby the school compound. so, for that reason we decided to form a group together with the aids of information we got from ROOTS AND SHOOTS, so as to transform the knowledge of organic agriculture to the students by hoping that after they graduate they can be able to preserve people`s healthy through organic food. We will start the project by simply inviting the organic agriculture experts to teach us how organic foods are produced, the best crops to be produced, how to control pest, natural fertilizers, and market opportunities. also, we will write a proposal to ask the assistance/aid of agricultural tools like hoes, water pumps and pipes, buckets, etc. After that, we will arrange the time table of attending at the farm that will be suitable to the students (clubbers) without interfering the academic performances. Then, to maintain disciplines and seriousness to students (clubbers), we will also write a formal constitution to be followed by both of us. Thank you. written by YUSUPH LUZIGA, Nzondahaki secondary school, Mbeya - Tanzania. email address

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices

The Benefit

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