Orangutan Awareness

  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Status

The Problem

Last year I was a youth delegate speaker at the 2015 Get to Know Unconference. I used a series of photographs I captured of orang-utans and collaged to enforce my points about orang-utan conservation in a visual manner. My goal is to take my presentation from the conference and share it with younger students in elementary schools to raise awareness about this important issue among young people.

Our Plan

I already have a classrooms excited to have me come in and share my work and answer the questions of the students. I have a links from the conference that I am continuing to share on social media. I have a short video segment of my work on youtube. The goal is not to reach the mass public but to share a one on one educational experience with young people to inspire them to change the world.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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