Orange Grove MS Beautification

  • Location
    Tucson, Arizona
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
  • Group Type
    School-Based Program

The Problem

We want to contribute to maintaining a clean, trash-free environment around the school. We also want to help clean up messes such as extra rock in sidewalks so people don't slip, smashed olives from our trees on the pavement to keep wasps out of the way of students, and trash on the ground that birds and other animals might eat.

Our Plan

Our group joined a school beautification initiative to clean the grounds after school one day.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

We cleaned up trash, debris and pruned some of the agave.

Through this project I/we learned:

We learned that by and large, our campus is very clean and the students use the trash cans. The grounds are well taken care of.

What I/we might change:

We would prepare earlier so more of our group members could participate. This event had been cancelled and a new date was announced.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

We enjoyed trimming the very sharp spikes on some of the agave that extended into the walkway. This way students would not get poked!

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

It helps to have a sizable group do an outdoor cleanup project, so try to get as many people as you can to participate in this type of work.

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