The Problem
After our initial 'Discovery Phase' in developing the Community Map, our group found that, although many Animal resources are available to the community, many in the community - students included - were unaware of those services and facilities. We want to develop an awareness campaign that focuses on the many resources available to the many types of animals in the community - domestic and wildlife.
Our Plan
Our group through "Operation Identification" will participate in a three-fold program that will involve:
1. Developing posters, flyers, etc. to make the community aware of the resources available to them in rescued animals, medical services (both emergency and continued care,) and wildlife game preserves.
2. Establishing a "Community Volunteer Day" at the local animal shelter to assist with a day of care for the animals and involving the community of the shelter's location, function, and services.
3. Press awareness involving the students participation at the shelter and mailing out 'thank-you' letters to those who assisted on the community involvement day.
We will develop a follow-up system through students calling those services presented to discover if their services Increased/Decreased/ or Remained the Same after our initial start.
Since the forming of our "Roots-and-Shoots" campaign, I rescued a baby squirrel that had its home destroyed through the falling of a tree after a storm. I raised the squirrel from a few days old throughout the year, and as we were wrapping up out school year, we returned "Oscar" the squirrel in the wild, as it should be. Our Roost-and-Shoots group kept up with Oscar's growth and progress, and celebrated as he was released into the wild. After a week, he seems to be thriving, yet does appreciate our little visits!