The Problem
We want to expose more youth to STEM and give them the tools that they need to have the skillset and confidence to continue down the engineering path.
We want to expose more youth to STEM and give them the tools that they need to have the skillset and confidence to continue down the engineering path.
In Conjunction with Professor Patrick McCarthy at the Museum of Science and Industry, I am working on a project to bring STEM to underserved populations around Chicago with a lasting affect. Before, when Patrick did workshops and presentations surrounding STEM everything was amazing during the duration of the lessons. However, when the last day comes around kids are wanting to take the materials or the projects they have been working on home. The problem with this was that the museum could not fund all of the materials needed for every kid to take them home. Our goal, is to find cheaper environmentally friendly alternatives such as cardboard, copper tape, and simple electronics to put together inexpensive robots that kids can take home to further learn about coding and robotics. If we can reach more kids at a lower cost, the outcome would be that kids will be excited about STEM and can gain confidence through their newfound capabilities and the program would still to have enough money to run.