Only One You

  • Location
    Buford, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

I would like to do a school wide project with the help of our art teacher. I would like the school to share the story Only One You through the use of classroom technology. This book share wisdom for succeeding in life. Unfortunately a lot of our students do not come from homes that encourage aiming high or building character. This book is a wonderful and positive way for our teachers to do just that. After sharing the story and having character building conversations, I would like for every student to paint their "Only One You" rock. We will display these 600 plus rocks in a river like permanent display at our school as a reminder to our students that they are all unique and beautiful.

Our Plan

Our project will beautify our campus, be a conversation starter and a constant reminder to our students that they are all unique, special and beautiful in their own ways.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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