OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign

  • Location
    Fayetteville, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

Hi, my name is Olivia and I am 13 and together with my brother Carter we are launching a global "OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign" where we are asking students around the world to pledge to say no to plastic straws during the entire month of Oct. We are also asking each students to get at least one family member to do the same and to also seek out one restaurant in their community and ask if they too will participate by pledge to only hand out plastic straws when requested to do so by the customer. Attached are the various pledge forms. We have a pledge form for "Individuals" and a pledge form for "Schools" and also one for "Businesses". Please print these out and get people to start pledging today. The pledge for for "Individuals" allows you to ask the person signing to pledge a dollar amount that they agree to pay you every time they forget to refuse or they use a plastic straw during the month. All funds raised go 100% to your schools so they can afford to bring in more environmental education programs to your school.

Our Plan

We are asking everyone to start getting pledges signed from now until Oct. All signed pledges can either be mailed to us or emailed to us. Our website also allows the pledge forms to be filled out electronically and we even have an interactive map which will show you the number of people that have signed up in a particular zip or postal code. it will also list every business and school that has signed the pledge as well. Every time you submit a pledge, your name goes into our raffle where we will be giving away cool prizes at the end of the campaign.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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