Ocean Acidification Awareness and Mitigation

  • Location
    califonia, New Jersey
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Group Type
  • Project created by Elsa

The Problem

Ocean Acidification, or decreasing pH levels in the ocean, is caused by the ocean's absorption of rising Co2 levels in the atmosphere. This acidification is making the ocean increasingly uninhabitable for many species, including oysters, pteropods, and corals. Through environmental advocacy and lifestyle changes, we can make a difference by mitigating ocean acidification.

Our Plan

We will raise awareness about ocean acidification by sharing links and information with in-person and online communities. We will practice intentional lifestyle changes that mitigate climate change and by extension reduce ocean acidifications, such as: 1. Meatless meals 2. Conserving water 3. Reducing energy consumption and prioritizing renewable energies 4. Using reusable bag, bottles, and recycling 5. Reducing consumption

Themes Addressed

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    Climate Change
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    Endangered Species
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    Habitat Destruction
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    Ocean Pollution & Acidification

The Benefit

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