The Problem
Educate the importance of only using non toxic pesticides, herbicides, and rodent control options for the health and safety of the students, teachers, staff and environment.
Educate the importance of only using non toxic pesticides, herbicides, and rodent control options for the health and safety of the students, teachers, staff and environment.
Non Toxic Irvine ( presented to the Irvine Unified School District that they add Roots & Shoots Health & Wellness comitees district wide. These H&W committees will consist of students looking to educate their fellow students and peers on how to create and live in a a more non toxic school and community. It will focus on educating the importance of only using non toxic pesticide, herbicide, and rodent control options for the health and safety of the students, teachers, staff and environment. They will also share everything from sun safety tips, to how to reduce, reuse, recycle.