Neighborhood Community Clean Up

  • Location
    Prescott, Arkansas
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to introduce community clean ups because they are a great way to improve the environment. Whether it’s reconstructing a playground, visiting an elderly home, or clearing trash from a nearby creek, a community clean up is an excellent way to bring about change to a city. Community cleanups projects have a social benefit, you’re out with your community and finding like-minded people. This activity is excellent for everyone — families, single people, and groups of friends or coworkers.

Our Plan

Our project will remove debris from roadways, waterways, nature trails, schools, and train stations. We will accomplish this by clearing debris away after a heavy rain or flood, raking autumn leaves, removing graffiti from public buildings, bridges, or fences, and landscaping a public areas.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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