Nature in the City

  • Location
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Status

The Problem

We would like to give students the chance to reflect on the impact of nature in the city, both for people and animals. Students will walk around South Philadelphia, noticing and recording signs of nature as they go, especially at Mifflin Park, 6th and Ritner. Students will then create a group collage to express their thoughts about why nature is important in the city. Artwork will be displayed at a local community center and shared on social media to inspire others.

Our Plan

1. Identify students for the activity - focus will be on Southeast Asian Students 2. Develop the recording tool 3. Student neighborhood "walk around" - recording nature that they see and benefits they can surmise for people and animals 3. Students create a group collage from their recordings. 4. Artwork is shared on social media to inspire others.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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