The Problem
Our school garden is in terrible condition. We also have a number of behavior issues at our K-5 school. These students have multiple ACEs (adverse childhood experiences).
Our school garden is in terrible condition. We also have a number of behavior issues at our K-5 school. These students have multiple ACEs (adverse childhood experiences).
We are planning to plant a native sensory herb garden. We have one galvanized tub that is waiting to be transformed. My 3rd grade students and I will first clean out the tub and then add soil. This spring, we will plant a variety of native herbs. We are hoping that the social worker will lead individual students to the garden to smell, touch and taste these plants. The goal is that this interaction with nature will calm the specific child out of their heightened emotional state. If this project goes well, we would like to add a compost bin and worms. We believe that inviting students with emotional needs to interact with live animals will change their perspective. At the least, we hope the interaction will calm them down.