Native Butterfly Garden

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

The Horace Mann Horticulture Club wishes to attract Monarchs and other butterflies to our Purple Paradise Monarch Habitat. We wish to use this project to educate other students and our community about the importance of planting native and drought tolerant plants in Southern California, the benefits of butterflies and other pollinators and metamorphosis, the amazing life cycle of butterflies.

Our Plan

Last year, with support from Roots & Shoots and Tree People, we planted our native butterfly garden. This year we are developing educational materials about native gardens and butterflies for a trunk that the elementary teachers can borrow to use in their classrooms. In addition, we are developing content for a website and will collaborate with a high school media arts class to build the website.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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