My Volunteer Place

  • Location
    Keller, Texas
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years
    19 to 25 Years

The Problem

We want to inspire young people to get involved with their community and engage in social responsibility through a student volunteer network where organizations and students can easily form connections and to enhance the way service hours are logged, tracked, and approved, and where students can build an MVP Volunteer transcript highlighting the good deeds they accomplish.

Our Plan

We want to help students find their volunteer passions and to increase awareness to the Roots & Shoots project and serving learning opportunities. We are developing our student volunteer website to bring students and organizations together.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Project Ideas

The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

We successfully planned, changed hosting providers, created, designed, developed, and implemented a new website for our student volunteers. We would have liked for our annual Giving campaign fundraising total dollar amounts to include more student volunteers and for the participation levels to have been higher.

Through this project I/we learned:

Website design, creating content, researching volunteer management processes, fundraising, troubleshooting technical issues, and other management processes.

What I/we might change:

Social networking is a key component to capture the interests of both students and organizations. Putting more resources and time in to researching meaningful content will help to increase the number of volunteers.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

Using creativity and brainstorming ideas for the promo video and the student volunteer website was inspirational and exciting to see the final product come together.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

We want to help students find their volunteer passions and to increase awareness to serving learning opportunities. We are continuing to develop our student volunteer website and are in the process of implementing a volunteer management system to be released late Fall.

About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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