Mustangs Against Hunger

  • Location
    Linwood, New Jersey
  • Status

The Problem

We are a group of students who are starting a food pantry at our high school. This service-learning group advocates for, alleviates, and educates on hunger in America. We are building a food pantry in our HS that serves our communities’ families in need, giving out weekly meals in a bag starting in September 2017. We know that teens living in “food insecurity” are much more likely to have health problems, get into trouble, use drugs/alcohol, drop out of school, and attempt suicide than are teens who have reliable food access. Statistics say that up to 70% of all Americans are at risk, and this reflects our area, since we have enormous job loss. With a previous grant, we secured a room in our high school and built the shelving necessary for the food bank. We have also secured additional grant funds to get our efforts off the ground. Our goal is to make at least 50 bags with meals per week.

Our Plan

-We will launch our drive with a school-wide screening of the great documentary entitled "The Starfish Throwers." -We will ask the 70+ clubs/sports team to take one week to donate (that is 2 per week). That covers almost all weeks of school. The participating sports teams and clubs will drop off the food in our club advisor's room and we take it, weigh it, and put it in our food pantry that we built. We will make bags and we take them weekly to the area food distributers. -We will write grants to pay for additional perishable supplies like bread, or necessary items like pasta, sauce, PB&J. -We will collect donations also at our area grocery stores. To date (6/20/18) we collected 6000 pounds of food for 128 families.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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