Monthly Meal of Love and Joy at RMHC Baltimore

  • Location
    Baltimore, Maryland
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

The problem we want to address is the lack of comfort and kids activities for families staying at RMHC (Ronald McDonald House of Charity) with seriously ill children, who often face long, emotionally challenging stays away from home while their children undergo medical treatment. By providing warm, home-cooked dinners and engaging activities, we aim to bring comfort, joy, and a sense of community to these families, offering them a break from the stresses of hospital life and an opportunity to feel cared for and connected.

Our Plan

The action we are planning is to host monthly events at RMHC Baltimore, where we will serve a warm, home-cooked dinner to families and provide engaging activities for young children. These events aim to bring comfort, joy, and a sense of community to families enduring challenging times, helping them feel supported and cared for during their stay.

Themes Addressed

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    Reasons for Hope

The Benefit

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