Monarchs and Milkweeds

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is to help save the monarch butterfly. The monarch butterfly population is decreasing, because of loss of habitat and climate change. My goal is to raise over $100.00 for an organization that helps protect the monarch butterfly. I am going to plant potted milkweed plants, which butterflies thrive on, and sell them. The profits will go to the organization helping monarchs. By selling the milkweed, I'm hoping that people will plant them, and the monarch will have more plants to lay eggs and eat off of. Milkweed is also very nourishing for the monarchs. I am also going to teach younger children about the butterfly at a local community center. This way, many people will become aware of how serious the threats to the monarchs are, and maybe they will plant milkweeds and butterfly gardens to help these magnificent butterflies.

Our Plan

1. Collect milkweed seeds from milkweed plants in our garden 2. Plant the seeds and care for them until the seeds turn into plants 3. Sell the milkweed plants with an informational poster on display 4. Raise over $100.00 for an organization helping monarch butterflies 5. Set up an informational poster about monarchs at a local community center

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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