The Problem
An 11th grade student and myself (Science and AP Environmental Science teacher) have set up a small Monarch Butterfly Waystation on our school grounds. The student purchased five nectar plants herself and two "Green Team" students helped plant the nectar plants. I have purchased the Monarch Waystation registration and certification with the Monarch Watch Program. We have been taking turns carrying water to the nectar plants. There are many desert milkweeds on site, which is the only host plant for the monarch caterpillar. Monarch numbers are decreasing and are in danger of becoming extinct from deforestation and insecticide use on crops. My wish is to set up a small irrigation system through the existing school's watering system so that the nectar plants (the main food source of the Monarch) will not need to be hand-watered over the hot summer months. The exciting news is that we observed one Monarch caterpillar last week!