Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary at MMW Elementary School

  • Location
    NEWTOWN, Pennsylvania
  • Status
  • Age Level
    5 to 7 Years
    8 to 10 Years

The Problem

Human activities seriously threaten monarchs and their amazing annual migration. The main threat resides in the destruction of good monarch habitats. Monarchs only lay eggs on the plant milkweed, making them vulnerable when there are long stretches of land without this plant. Our proposal will create a sanctuary for monarchs in our school.

Our Plan

We propose to create a garden that will attract adult monarchs with pollinators and milkweed to allow them to lay eggs. The intention is to create this garden on the grounds of MMW Elementary School, allowing the kids to participate in creating, maintaining, and observing the butterflies. It will also serve as a community-binding ground for the importance of education and conservation of our environment. Currently, we have found some resources and support from local groups supporting pollinators, monarchs, and sustainable gardening. We are full of enthusiasm, and believe this project can be done in the next few months

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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The Benefit

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