Monarch Butterfly Habitat

  • Location
    San Rafael, California
  • Status

The Problem

We created a natural habitat at our school that will attract Monarch Butterflies so that they can feed and lay eggs. This will be a protected garden that can support a large amount of butterfly larva so that they can safely change into a chrysalis, then butterfly and repeat the cycle all while kindergartners are becoming aware of the importance of animal habitats.

Our Plan

The plan is to help kindergartners become aware of their impact on the environment. While we learn about the Monarch and what it needs to survive, we will be growing milkweed plants that can be replanted in the students own backyard. They can become the educator on Monarch survival. We do this each fall with our class and continue to revisit the topic of human impact throughout the year.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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