MMG Trash Bags

  • Location
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years
    19 to 25 Years
  • Group Type
    Home School
  • Project created by MG

The Problem

Our project addresses the issue of textile waste and the need for responsible consumption, particularly with the rise of fast fashion. Every year, tons of clothes, shoes, and household textiles are thrown away, polluting our environment and filling up landfills. Many people don’t realize the impact of fast fashion or that these items could be reused or upcycled instead. By encouraging our community to rethink how they buy, use, and dispose of clothes, we hope to inspire everyone to make more mindful choices that align with Jewish values like tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedakah (giving back). Through this project, we want to reduce waste and provide gently used items or the rewards (gift cards, etc) received through our upcycling to displaced families who need them most. This initiative is about protecting the environment, supporting those in need, and creating a culture of compassion and sustainability.

Our Plan

Our plan is to host fashion circularity pop-ups where community members can donate unwanted clothes, shoes, accessories, and household textiles. Gently used items will be donated to local shelters to support displaced families, while other items will be upcycled or recycled, keeping them out of landfills. We’ll make the donation process easy for everyone by providing Trashie Kids Take Back Bags and organizing upcycling workshops led by local artists to teach creative reuse techniques. These workshops will demonstrate how small, mindful actions can help protect the planet and our community, bringing tikkun olam and tzedakah to life in an interactive way. We’ll also encourage participants to take before-and-after photos of their closets to track their impact, making it fun and rewarding to be part of a community-driven change.

Themes Addressed

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    Displaced People
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    Responsible Consumption
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The Benefit

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