Million Shoe March

  • Location
    Detroit, Michigan
  • Status

The Problem

Purposeful Youth Detroit will have it's 5th annual Million Shoe March on September 28th, 2019. The girls of PYD will collect donations of gently used shoes for the homeless/low income of Detroit. In past years over 4,000 shoes have been collected and donated. The event will serve over 300 community members in Downtown Detroit. We have also provided gently used coats and hygiene products.

Our Plan

The girls of Purposeful Youth Detroit will advertise for the event in Detroit for a month prior to the event. They obtain donations of shoes and hygiene projects all year long to give to the community of Detroit on this day. The event will take place at Milliken State Park in Detroit and will last from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Families of Detroit will have the opportunity to come to the river front and obtain shoes for the whole family!

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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