Meatless Mondays

  • Location
    Kuala Lumpur
  • Status

The Problem's wish for this project is to encourage the public to consume less meat for increased health and environment benefits. Health benefits includes reduced heart disease, limit cancer risk, fight diabetes, and curbing obesity. The environment would benefit through a reduction of carbon foot print, minimizes water usage and reduces fossil fuel dependence.

Our Plan

Participants would need to download an app (KindMeal) on iOS or Android. On Mondays, they can search for a restaurant that is featured on KindMeal and proceed to order a meal from there. Next, they are required to post the picture on KindMeal that would entitle them a discount on the meal upon payment. Participants will accumulate points with the app and get more discounts. They could also stand a chance to win an iPhone 6 from DiGi.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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