McGlone Community Garden

  • Location
    Denver, Colorado
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

Through a garden elective, middle school students at McGlone Academy get daily exposure to the process of garden planning, caring for produce, and harvesting. Students each trimester determine what types of produce are most exciting and culturally relevant to their community and plan what, where, and how to plant each type of produce. In past years, students have been able to supply local families who may not have as much access to fruits and vegetables as their white, more affluent neighbors with free and fresh produce. This youth-driven garden provides equitable access to fresh produce while educating students on the sustainability of healthy foods.

Our Plan

Due to our Garden Elective not being offered during summer break , we plan to partner with SustianEd Farms, a community partner who offers summer Garden care, using our grant funding as compensation for their work and support.e Together, we will nourish the garden is during peak growing season, ensuring that families continue to have equitable access to our food.

Themes Addressed

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    Poverty & Equity

The Benefit

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