Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 2015

  • Location
    Forest Grove, Oregon
  • Status

The Problem

Over the years, our Roots&Shoots group has become a major part of this community event, sponsored by Pacific University in Forest Grove. We do this to connect with our community and to hopefully connect our community to the issues of international peace and justice.

Our Plan

At this community celebration of the life and ideals of Martin Luther King, Jr, we contribute by flying two of our giant Peace Doves in a march through the city. This year we also brought our "Bookmarks for Literacy" (Students Rebuild Literacy Challenge) project for community members to participate in. In addition, we taught everybody how to fold Origami Peace Cranes and shared the cranes message of peace.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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