Marine Life Junior Ranger Program

  • Location
    St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

We are the next generation and are on a mission to work with everyone to solve problems that our oceans face such as pollution and killing sharks for their fins. We could lose so much, including many types of fish and animals if we don’t save our oceans. We hope to educate adults and children on the problems our ocean faces and what we can do to solve those problems.

Our Plan

We are going to make our own junior ranger program where we make books with educational activities for kids and adults so that they understand the major problems we are facing with our oceans. The booklets will have a lot of information about the ocean and about how pollution affects the ocean and marine life. It would include fun puzzles, informational and entertaining illustrations. This will help everyone learn about the oceans and to actually take action. We would like to recognize them for their hard work after they are finished with their booklet and would like to give them a badge.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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