March for Science

  • Location
    Logan, Utah
  • Status

The Problem

The March for Science in Logan was designated to raise awareness about about the value of science in our everyday lives. It emphasized that science upholds the common good and suggested that evidence-based policy is in the public's best interest. It raised the moral and sense of community in our city by bringing over 450 people together for a shared cause. It also provided us with exercise and an opportunity to appreciate nature as we marched on a beautiful spring day (Earth Day, no less).

Our Plan

Several of our environmental club members gave speeches at the rally before the March for Science. Our speeches raised awareness about our Student Climate Change Resolution, and spoke about the importance of quality science education for high school students. After the rally, our members went to the the Mormon Tabernacle to speak at an interfaith environmental stewardship event. They talked about the value of stewardship as Mormons, Buddhists, Lutherans and other denominations.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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