M2i Photopgraphy

  • Location
    Plainfield, New Jersey
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

Perspective is a major issue all across the board in society. Often times, it is a lack of seeing life from another persons point of view that causes decisions to be made without the full consequences being realized. Also, the arts in schools are being pushed farther out, leaving young people who many not be as talented in singing, playing or dancing left with untapped talent and potential who have just as much to say. Ultimately, the area of visual arts can often times be overlooked in its potency and how it can change and effect our world.

Our Plan

So, my desire is to create a visual platform where people can gain a new perspective on the world around them. The vision behind M2i Photography is not only to bring awareness to the beauty and turmoil that is in the world but to tap into the eye of visual perspective of the young generation, providing them with another artistic outlet. Through the skills I have honed, both as a photographer, videographer and a technology major, I plan to use my skill set to teach others how to capture, edit and ultimately define moments in time that will address and convey their message.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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