
  • Location
    Mbeya City, Manitoba
  • Status

The Problem

we expect our project to work upon our surrounding community so as to educate the whole community importance of conserving environment, plant and re plant trees for the beneficial of up coming generation. also to sustain bees livelihood especially in southern highland zone so as to become world wide produce of honey product without affect/killing bees during harvesting

Our Plan

we divide our project into two terms, we have short term plan which will spent four years based on students academic attains level and the second term we have long term plan which will end up to 2030. we are continuing seedling, planting and re planting trees in our community surrounding especially on hill sides. We have already researched and allocate the conducive areas for implementation our project.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon

The Benefit

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