Local High School Clean Up

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

Our local Eagle Rock High School is requesting our help to clean their school... Long term! We hope that we can find a way to teach the high school students to properly rid of their trash rather than littering our school grounds. We also want to implement a more advanced recycling system in our school, where we can divide the plastics from the papers.

Our Plan

There are two parts to this project. The promotion of recycling and properly disposing of trash, and the actual capability to do so. In order to promote recycling we've gathered a small team of artists who will be composing submissions that portray how easy and simple it easy to dispose of your trash correctly. But in order to properly dispose of your trash, you need the proper trash containers. We've reached out to our community representatives on getting us a grants to upgrade to a more efficient system of recycling. We hope to replace the generic one bin trash can with a three tier trash can with a bin for plastic, a bin for paper, and a bin for waste. We hope that these two factors will greatly decrease the amount of trash on our street (as a lot of the litter from our school blows out in the nearby neighborhoods) and clean up our school as well.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon

The Benefit

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