Let’s Go Hiking! Challenge

  • Location
    Osceola, Wisconsin
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

With all the technology we have access to, it is hard to connect with nature in the same way. There are lots of distractions- likes on Instagram, texts from friends, and reminders about everything else that needs to be done. Nature deserves our full attention (it's our home!), yet it is pushed over by the other things that are in our lives. If we all gave a little bit more time to the wilderness, the changes would be incredible.

Our Plan

So here's the challenge: take a hike! It can be long or short, up a mountain or through a prairie. You can bring your phone, in case of emergency, but keep it off. Breathe in the smell of fresh air and take a minute to reflect on the world around you. Then share your experience, and encourage others to take a hike too. It is a small effort, but it will have a big impact. Check out the Padlet to share your experience: https://padlet.com/margaretnalen/w7ix7oioujvdxv4h

Themes Addressed

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    Social-Emotional Learning

The Benefit

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