Knight’s Garden

  • Location
    Columbia, South Carolina
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for my special education students, is to enhance their academics and social skills by starting a school plant garden. This garden will be used to address science academic skills as well as students' functional skills that they will need when they enter high school, because they will be introduced to various career exploration fields to include the career field of Horticulturist. Allowing my students to experience what a Horticulturist does in middle school, will provide them with confidence and experiences that they will need when they have to fulfill this course in high school.

Our Plan

My project proposal is for my special education students to beautify an over-grown area next to the school's cafeteria. Students will landscape the area and plant seeds and plants that can be used to teach the Science Plant Unit. They will keep a pictorial and a written journal describing their experiences during the restoration process. Students will be taught the various duties and activities that a Horticulturist do on a daily basis, and they will use the garden to learn academic skills that relates to their Science Plant Unit.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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