Kids For Animals

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The Problem

I want to help the stray animal population of Puerto Rico. I wish that one day in the future I can see happy animals and people all around my island.

Our Plan

On Friday, March 20, 2015 various schools in Puerto Rico will open their doors to educators, from different organizations who love and care for animals. The educators will teach children about responsible pet citizenship and how we can stop the abuse and neglect. I was told that through education we can change our people's mind so that they will know how important it's to care and help. Children will be educated about, sterilization, castration, adoption, abuse and neglect and general pet ownership. The children will take a pledge on that day to be in charge of the change and to hold adults responsible. The children will wear animal ears, dogs, cats, horses and pig ears all one with the animals. We will also wear purple shirts in solidarity with the animals who have no voice. Schools that have volunteered to participate will hold food and newspaper drives to give to the many shelters who have rescued animals. On that same day a short educational video for children will be launched at the website and Facebook pages of the many organizations who have decided to participate educating. We want to reach at least 3,000 children on one day, we are recruiting volunteers to go out and teach visiting the schools on this day. The number of volunteers will determine our final reach and impact. If you want to help us as an educator/volunteer or if you want your school to participate let us know by sending an email to Thanks in advance for your help! Isabella Rivera

Themes Addressed

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    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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